Thursday, March 6, 2008


The tragedy of Christianity is not it's persecution but it's failure to use it's freedoms to serve God.

I just finished reading the martyrdoms in Eusebius' History of the Church. These Christians were continually being murdered and tortured in unspeakable ways for their faith. While we in America have no fear of death, but we squander our precious freedom on the pursuits of pleasure and leisure while forgetting to even have a quiet moment with God? Isn't there something wrong with that?


Anonymous said...

K whoa! like that's so weird! I waz thinking about that recently, like realy how lame am I when I can't even crack open a book but can jazz on some tunes and crash in bed during the lull of the afternoon??? (when the lulls actually come **smashes sleep deprived head onto key board**yghtu OW.) anywhos... really tho like I call myself a Christian and yet I act nothing like one in my relationship with God. I take hold of heaven and grasp eternal life by believing if God. but my question lately is, am I even saved? do I really believe what I say? because if I did I doubt I'd be caching some extra Zs and trading "God time" for blowing my ear drums out and enjoying myself while I'm confirming my early deaf state of life. And I don't only mean in the physical way but deaf to God as well. I drown the street sounds out along with God's voice and if I really waz a Christian and believe what I know is right and in what god says, then I bet my life wouldn't be looking like it does right now. it's just so funny that you posted that cause this is what I've been thinking and fighting in my mind... IDK if I am saved. cause like I said if I really believed what I "believe" then I'd be turning the world upside down and would stop at nothing to see this world be changed for God. But instead I'm becoming a part of it and I fear that I will be lost and imbedded in the stones of this earth as the last days come and that I will not see my savior because I never really did truly believe. and that truly is a "Tragedy" beacause I KNOW I am not the only one out in this state.
ur sis

Karyn said...

Don't doubt your salvation. I promise you that you are saved. Salvation does not hinge on works. Working out your faith invloves action and such, but God does not become less powerful to save your life just becasue you are not seeking him. He is much stronger than that.

Seeking to live your life as God wills in important, but not essential to salvation. As you seek God you will begin to desire what he wants for you, but the Bible makes it very clear that you have to a lot more than blast our your eardrums to lose your salvation. And if you are worrying about whether or not you are saved, just pray to be saved again, and you're covered. If you want to talk more about it, give me a call. I'd love to talk to you sis.

Anonymous said...

lol yeah haha that's a good idea! lol I'll just pray and ask for salvation again. lol aaaaaaaaahahahah wow that waz and obvious one. lol haha but that's why God gave us to state the obvious XD thank sisseroo :P

ur lil sis